
Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Last update – July 2024

Cookies (which are a small text file) are installed on the device via which You visit or access the Website or Services. The cookies allow Us to collect information about You and Your behavior to improve Your user experience, to remember Your preferences and settings, and to customize and offer You products and services that may interest You. Cookies are also used to collect statistics and perform analytics.

Some of the cookies We use are session cookies, which are downloaded temporarily to Your device and last until You close Your web browser, while others are persistent cookies, which last on Your device after You cease browsing the Service and are used to help the Service remember You as a returning visitor when You return to the Service.

Types of cookies: 

The cookies We may use have been classified according to their functionality, as follows:


Type of Cookie Purpose Additional Information
Strictly Necessary Cookies These cookies are strictly necessary to enable You to navigate the Website and use features You have requested. They are used to provide You with Our content, products, and Website that You have requested.

Such cookies are essential to help Your device download or stream information so that You can navigate around the Website, use its features, and return to pages You have previously visited. 

These cookies collect Personal Data about You, such as username and last login date, and identify You as being logged in to the Website. 

These cookies are deleted when You close Your web browser (session cookies).

Functionality Cookies These cookies are used to recognize You when You return to the Website and allow Us to remember Your choices and preferences and measure how You use Our website.  These cookies survive the closing of Your web browser, and last until their applicable expiry time. 
Performance Cookies These cookies are used to provide aggregated statistics in respect of the performance of the Website and to test and improve such performance to provide better user experience. In addition, they allow Us to carry out analytical functions on the Website.   These cookies collect anonymized data that is not related to an identified or identifiable natural person. 

These cookies are valid for varying periods; some are deleted once You close Your browser, while others have an indefinite validity period.  

Third Party Marketing / Targeting Cookies  These cookies are used to deliver ads and marketing communications, and to display the Website in a manner that is more relevant to You. They are also used to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. These cookies record Your visit to the Website and the pages You have visited.  Some of these cookies are provided and used by third parties. 

These cookies are valid for varying periods; some are deleted once You close Your browser, while others have an indefinite validity period.  


The Cookies incorporated in Our Website are as follows:


Third Party Cookie Name Provider Retention Type Function
Yes __cf_bm onesignal.com 1 day Necessary distinguish between humans and bots
Yes _zcsr_tmp crm.zoho.com Session Necessary This cookie is necessary for the login function on the website.
Yes _cfuvid vimeo.com Session Necessary Unclassified
Yes 1.gif imgsct.cookiebot.com Session Necessary Used to count the number of sessions to the website, necessary for optimizing CMP product delivery
No CookieConsent tradethepool.com 1 year Necessary Stores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain
Yes crmcsr crm.zoho.com Session Necessary Ensures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website and visitor.
No elementor tradethepool.com Persistent Necessary allows the website owner to implement or change the website’s content in real-time
No PHPSESSID tradethepool.com Session Necessary Preserves user session state across page requests
No wpEmojiSettingsSupports tradethepool.com Persistent Necessary This cookie is part of a bundle of cookies which serve the purpose of content delivery and presentation. The cookies keep the correct state of font, blog/picture sliders, color themes and other website settings.
Yes test_cookie doubleclick.net 1 day Necessary Unclassified
No wordpress_test_cookie tradethepool.com Persistent Necessary Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies.
Yes #:state cdn.livechatinc.com Persistent Preferences Necessary for the functionality of the website’s chat-box
Yes @@lc_ids cdn.livechatinc.com Persistent Preferences Necessary for the functionality of the website’s chat-box
Yes __lc_cid accounts.livechatinc.com 400 days Preferences Necessary for the functionality of the website’s chat-box
Yes __lc_cst accounts.livechatinc.com 400 days Preferences Necessary for the functionality of the website’s chat-box
Yes __oauth_redirect_detector accounts.livechatinc.com 1 day Preferences Allows the website to recognise the visitor, to optimize the chat-box functionality
No adroll#adroll tradethepool.com Persistent Preferences Stores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain
Yes isOptedOut cdn.onesignal.com Persistent Preferences Determines whether the user has made any subscriptions on the website, so that the website does not show subscription forms to the user, which already have been filled out
Yes isPushNotificationsEnabled cdn.onesignal.com Persistent Preferences determine which support notifications the user has been shown
No ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB#Ids tradethepool.com Persistent Preferences Detects whether the user should be presented with a notification-bar upon entry on the website.
No ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB#NotificationClicked tradethepool.com Persistent Preferences Used by the website to determine which support notifications the user has been shown
No ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB#NotificationOpened tradethepool.com Persistent Preferences Contains the widget state on whether it has been minimized or opened for internal statistics.
No ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB#NotificationReceived tradethepool.com Persistent Preferences determine which support notifications the user has been shown
No ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB#Sessions tradethepool.com Persistent Preferences maintain visitors’ preferences throughout the visit and sub-pages
Yes _livechat_has_visited cdn.livechatinc.com Persistent Statistics Identifies the visitor across devices and visits, to optimize the chat-box function on the website.
Yes __mh_tt_s t.tradethepool.com 400 days Statistics Used by the website’s owners to identify how the visitor accessed the website. This is used for statistical purposes.
Yes personalization_id twitter.com 400 days Statistics Unclassified
Yes _tt_enable_cookie tradethepool.com 1 yer Statistics Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.
Yes bounce adnxs.com Session Statistics Determines if a user leaves the website straight away
Yes onesignal-pageview-count cdn.onesignal.com Session Statistics Contains data on the visitor’s interaction and navigation on the website – This statistics service is provided byOnesignal.com.
Yes os_pageViews cdn.onesignal.com Persistent Statistics Used to assess user’s visits to the website, such as which pages have been visited or the frequency of visits.
Yes PugT pubmatic.com 30 days Statistics Used to determine the number of times the cookies have been updated in the visitor’s browser. Used to optimize the website’s server efficiency.
Yes vuid vimeo.com 729 days Statistics Collects data on the user’s visits to the website, such as which pages have been read.
Yes #-# youtube.com Session Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
Yes __adroll d.adroll.com 13 months Marketing Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user’s device. The ID is used for targeted ads.
No __adroll_consent_params tradethepool.com Session Marketing Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites.
No __adroll_fpc tradethepool.com 1 year Marketing Used to identify the visitor across visits and devices 
Yes __adroll_shared adroll.com 13 months Marketing Collects data on the user across websites
No __ar_v4 tradethepool.com 1 year Marketing Optimises ad display based on the user’s movement combined and various advertiser bids for displaying user ads
no __mh_tt_disable_script t.tradethepool.com Session Marketing Tracks the conversion rate between the user and the advertisement banners on the website – This serves to optimise the relevance of the advertisements on the website.
Yes _fs_tab_id edge.fullstory.com Session Marketing Tracks the individual sessions on the website, allowing the website to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can also be used to create leads for marketing purposes.
Yes _fbp tradethepool.com 3 months Marketing Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
No _ga tradethepool.com 2 years Marketing Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices andmarketing channels.
No _ga_# tradethepool.com 2 years Marketing Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices andmarketing channels.
No _gcl_au tradethepool.com 3 months Marketing Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.
No _te_ tradethepool.com Session Marketing Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user’s device for targeted ads
Yes 1/i/adsct t.co Session Marketing Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.
Yes 1/i/adsct twitter.com Session Marketing Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.
Yes _ttp tiktok.com 1 year Marketing Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.
No _ttp tradethepool.com 1 year Marketing Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.
Yes -5c39378c8c7b youtube.com Session Marketing Unclassified
Yes AdServer/Pug pubmatic.com Session Marketing Sets a timestamp for when the visitor entered the website. This is used for analytical purposes on the website.
Yes anj adnxs.com 3 months Marketing Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user’s device for targeted ads
Yes cm/#/out d.adroll.com Session Marketing Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites
Yes CMID casalemedia.com 1 year Marketing Collects visitor data related to the user’s visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads
Yes CMPRO casalemedia.com 3 months Marketing Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, to present more relevant advertisement
Yes CMPS casalemedia.com 3 months Marketing Collects visitor data related to the user’s visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads
No gclid tradethepool.com 30 days Marketing Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
Yes guest_id twitter.com 400 days Marketing Collects data related to the user’s visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and which pages have been loaded, with the purpose of personalising and improving the Twitter service.
Yes guest_id_ads twitter.com 400 days Marketing Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on the website.
Yes guest_id_marketing twitter.com 400 days Marketing Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on the website.
Yes IDE doubleclick.net 400 days Marketing Used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user’s actions after viewing or clicking one of theadvertiser’s ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.
Yes iU5q-!O9@$ youtube.com Session Marketing Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
Yes KRTBCOOKIE_# pubmatic.com 3 months Marketing Registers a unique ID that identifies the user’s device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.
Yes muc_ads t.co 400 days Marketing Unclassified
Yes LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY youtube.com Session Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content
Yes lastExternalReferrer connect.facebook.net Persistent Marketing Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.
Yes lastExternalReferrerTime connect.facebook.net Persistent Marketing Detects how the user reached the website by registering their last URL-address.
Yes LogsDatabaseV2:V#||LogsRequestsStore youtube.com Persistent Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
Yes nextId youtube.com Session Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
Yes NID google.com 6 months Marketing Unclassified
No ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB#Options tradethepool.com Persistent Marketing Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor’s preferences.
Yes pagead/1p-user-list/# google.com Session Marketing Tracks if the user has shown interest in specific products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between websites.
Yes pagead/landing doubleclick.net Session Marketing Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, to present more relevant advertisement – This also allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
Yes pagead/landing googlesyndication.com Session Mazrketing Tracks the conversion rate between the user and the advertisement banners on the website – This serves to optimise the relevance of the advertisements on the website.
Yes receive-cookie-deprecation adnxs.com 400 days Marketing Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites.
Yes receive-cookie-deprecation d.adroll.com 13 months Marketing Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites 
Yes receive-cookie-deprecation adroll.com 400 days Marketing Unclassified
Yes remote_sid youtube.com Session Marketing Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
Yes requests youtube.com Session Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
Yes rum casalemedia.com Session Marketing Collects data related to the user’s visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
Yes ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLog youtube.com Persistent Marketing Necessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
Yes TESTCOOKIESENABLED youtube.com 1 day Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
Yes tt_appInfo analytics.tiktok.com Session Marketing Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.
Yes tt_pixel_session_index analytics.tiktok.com Session Marketing Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.
Yes tt_sessionId analytics.tiktok.com Session Marketing Used by the social networking service, TikTok, for tracking the use of embedded services.
Yes uuid2 adnxs.com 3 months Marketing Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user’s device 
Yes VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE youtube.com 180 days Marketing Tries to estimate the users’ bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos.
Yes w/1.0/sd openx.net Session Marketing Registers data on visitors such as IP addresses, geographical location and advertisement interaction. 
Yes XANDR_PANID adnxs.com 3 months Marketing This cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertisement relevance.
Yes xuid 3lift.com Session Marketing This cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertisement relevance.
Yes YSC youtube.com Session Marketing Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
Yes yt.innertube::nextId youtube.com Persistent Marketing Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
Yes ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY youtube.com Persistent Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
Yes YtIdbMeta#databases youtube.com Persistent Marketing Used to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
Yes yt-remote-cast-available youtube.com Session Marketing Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
Yes yt-remote-cast-installed youtube.com Session Marketing Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
Yes yt-remote-connected-devices youtube.com Persistent Marketing Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
Yes yt-remote-device-id youtube.com Persistent Marketing Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
Yes yt-remote-fast-check-period youtube.com Session Marketing Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
Yes yt-remote-session-app youtube.com Session Marketing Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
Yes yt-remote-session-name youtube.com Session Marketing Stores the user’s video player preferences using embedded YouTube video
Yes adroll_dqs s.adroll.com Session Unclassified Unclassified
Yes @@lc_auth_token:d146c86e-9427-4b2c-87e7-3fa274236278 cdn.livechatinc.com Persistent Unclassified Unclassified
Yes adroll_flgs s.adroll.com Session Unclassified Unclassified
No initialUrl tradethepool.com Persistent Unclassified Unclassified
No currentBtnTitle tradethepool.com Persistent Unclassified Unclassified
No LD_R tradethepool.com 100 years Unclassified Unclassified
No LD_S tradethepool.com 1 day Unclassified Unclassified
No LD_T tradethepool.com 100 years Unclassified Unclassified
No LD_U tradethepool.com 100 years Unclassified Unclassified
Yes zalb_6e4b8efee4 crm.zoho.com Session Unclassified Unclassified
No ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB#SentUniqueOutcome tradethepool.com Persistent Unclassified Unclassified
Yes ONESIGNAL_HTTP_PROMPT_SHOWN cdn.onesignal.com Session Unclassified Unclassified
Yes side_storage_d146c86e-9427-4b2c-87e7-3fa274236278 cdn.livechatinc.com Persistent Unclassified Unclassified
No singlePostVisits tradethepool.com Persistent Unclassified Unclassified
No ttp_competition tradethepool.com Session Unclassified Unclassified
No ttp_ref tradethepool.com 180 days Unclassified Unclassified
Yes -5c39378c8c7b youtube session New Cookies Unclassified


Blocking and removal of cookies:

You can change Your browser settings to block and delete some or all cookies. Please see the links below for instructions on how to do this in some of the most popular web browsers:

Please note, however, that if You do so, some or all the Service’s features and functionalities might not perform as intended.

Changes to the Cookie Policy

We may amend the terms of this Cookie Policy, from time to time. Whenever we amend this Cookie Policy, we will notify you of such amendments by publishing the updated Cookie Policy on our website. In addition, when we make significant amendments to our Cookie Policy, we will strive to inform You about such amendments via means of communication we believe are reasonably appropriate to inform you of such amendments and by publishing a notice about such amendments on our website. Unless stated otherwise, all amendments will enter into force upon publication of the updated Cookie Policy on our website or the designated page on the website.

Contact Us

For any queries relating to this Policy and data protection, please contact Us at Help@TradeThePool.com.


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